New Play: 1971-2-3, The Story of James

A green poster with black text giving the below information.

A green poster with black text giving the below information.

True Ability, with support from Rumpus, proudly presents 1971-2-3 The Story of James.

“James” is the autobiographical story of a man with Cerebral Palsy, a talent for mathematics, and an active imagination. These gifts see him through the hardest of times and leave him with an incredible story of survival.

The original concept comes from Bruce Rossler and I feel very honoured that he has trusted us with his story. I have never cried and laughed so much in one day.

The cast (Bruce, Chrissie, and Patrick) is formidable together. It is a pleasure to watch their trust and creativity grow.

“James” is still on his journey but we are excited to show you our story so far with a work in progress showing in mid-July. Friday 16th of July and Saturday 17th of July at Rumpus in Bowden.

Performed by Bruce Rossler, Patrick Frost and Chrissie Page

Original concept by Bruce Rossler

Directed by Alirio Zavarce

Written by Kelly Vincent

Produced by Juliette Zavarce

Music by Will Lovell

Rumpus Theatre, 100 Sixth Street Bowden SA 5007

Friday 16th July 2:30pm

Saturday 17th July 6:00pm

Click here to book

Bruce sits in a swivel chair on the ground, with the stage behind him. Alirio stands at Bruce’s side with Bruce’s hand in his, stretching Bruce’s arm up. They share a tender look.

Bruce sits in a swivel chair on the ground, with the stage behind him. Alirio stands at Bruce’s side with Bruce’s hand in his, stretching Bruce’s arm up. They share a tender look.


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